Joint CEO
Joint CEO
To responsibly address our environmental challenges with consideration for the interest of our stakeholders
To uphold our value and commitment to zero harm by ensuring a safe and healthy workforce and reliable, safe and sustainable operations
Our Sustainability Report covers our performance in the reporting period and reflects on our most relevant and prominent sustainability focus areas, as informed by Sasol’s Material Matters.
In the Integrated Report, we provide a synopsis of the environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues that we aim to balance in the short and medium to longer term for our business. Our commitment to safety, the environment and communities shape how we manage our business and execute on our strategy to deliver sustainable growth and accelerated shareholder returns. In this report, which is supplementary to the Integrated Report1 , we share more detail on Sasol as a safe, responsible and efficient business. We explain our focus on continuously improving the way we operate to prevent incidents and to identify, minimise or avoid adverse environmental and social impacts, while using the Six Capitals to create value.
In the face of growing environmental pressures, we drive energy efficiency and look to further reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while delivering on air quality compliance roadmaps in South Africa. We actively participate in the global dialogue on energy and climate policy.
We help to develop local economies by creating jobs, sourcing from local suppliers and supporting community projects based on the needs of the local communities.
Our people are at the heart of our business and we recruit, retain, develop and reward our talented people to ensure business success. To enhance employee performance, we maintain effective engagement while growing and strengthening our leadership capabilities as part of our aspirational culture.
1. Where we predominantly deal with Financial Capital, Manufacturing Capital and Intellectual Capital
information to the
Integrated Report.
This report, presented as supporting information to our Integrated Report, provides a concise overview of our approach to managing our material sustainability issues, with emphasis on the strategic value of social, human and natural capital. Information which has been comprehensively addressed previously has not been repeated in this report. Similarly, relevant information contained in the suite of reporting publications is cross‑referenced.
Through our Sustainability Report we seek to facilitate inclusive and meaningful dialogue for the purpose of partnering with our stakeholders.
We communicate regularly with a broad stakeholder base on issues of significant interest or impact to them, including our performance, decisions and activities in relation to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. We also report on disclosure, optimisation of access to information and on stakeholder engagements.
Data is included for our National Petroleum Refiners of South Africa (Natref) joint venture and Sasol Africa (Pty) Limited, our joint venture in Mozambique. Quantitative performance data is not included for those operations where we do not have operational control, joint control or do not exercise influence. Further details on the nature and location of our joint ventures can be found on our website at
This overview focuses on issues that affect the long-term success of our business, and our impact on the economy, environment, our people and the communities in which we operate. It also focuses on issues that are important to our key stakeholders as it relates to our material matters. The process we followed in identifying our material focus areas is described in our Integrated Report.
Our Sustainability Report has been developed in accordance with the GRI Standards. We have also applied the advanced level reporting criteria of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and meet the 21 advanced criteria. A comprehensive GRI table and a detailed UNGC Communication is available on our website.
While this report may be of interest to all our stakeholders, it is primarily aimed at addressing issues of particular interest to stakeholders with regards to our ESG aspects of our operations. This year, we provide an online format only, that allows readers to access the report by focus area or download it in full as a PDF. The focus stories and booklets referred to in the report can similarly be accessed or downloaded. Additional sustainability information can be found at:
Sasol engages actively with a collaborative approach on sustainability issues via various fora:
Integrated Report
The Integrated Report is our primary report to stakeholders.
Sustainability Report
Supporting information to the Integrated Report. Prepared in accordance with the GRI Sustainability Report Standards.
Our approach of leveraging transparency via requests for access to environmental information is explained in this publication.
Form 20-F
Our annual report issued in accordance with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 in the United States of America.
Annual Financial Statements
The financial statements and remuneration report, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.
Supplementary information, including a glossary, acronyms and abbreviations, is available on the Sasol website. (in the downloads tab), or otherwise, as disclosed from time to time.